91 degrees at 6 pm. I love summer, but I hate the super hot and humid weather. But, on the bright side, I got out the "Big Sink", the water table, and the wading pool, plus all the little toys that go with them. The boys had a blast! I sat in a lawn chair with my feet in the water. Ahhhh!
I seriously *heart* Deb from the VNA. They deliver J's g-tube supplies, half the Elecare and his diapers. (He gets the other half of the Elecare from WIC, but that will change to all VNA when J turns 5 next month.) (Whoa, how did my baby get to be 5???) (MRaE, the blog rated highest in parenthesis use! You betcha!)
I called her and explained my Walgreens dilemma. She asked what size I needed and she said she'll put 30 of them in with each of his g-tube deliveries! Yay!! No more reusing sticky syringes or battling with cranky pharmacists!
J started summer school yesterday. He burst into tears the second we set foot in the room. He kept saying, "Up, up, up." I waited until he calmed down then left. When I came back he stuck to me like a dryer sheet. Poor fella. A little better today, but the relief I saw in him when I came back was palpable. It's a different teacher than last summer. She seems very nice.
Object du Jour: Nothing makes summer school more bearable than a pepper box.
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