
Tell the Easter Bunny I need a laptop and a tent.

Poor J can't seem to shake whatever illness he has. He threw up several times over with weekend and had a low grade fever. He put himself to bed Saturday afternoon and yesterday after school. I'm really worried about weight loss, but I'm keeping him tubed at night and he hasn't gotten sick.

We decided after he fell asleep that germ laden Monkey George needed a trip through the washer. J woke up about 8:00 in tears because MG wasn't in the bed. I felt horrible. Randy ran to Barnes and Noble to get another one (we thought it was best to have a back up), but they didn't have any more. So, I tried to keep J calm while Randy ran MG through the dryer. J fell asleep as soon as MG was back in his arms. I've never, ever seen him so attached to anything before. He's had week or two runs with certain items, but MG hasn't left his side since Christmas. I went on ebay and found an auction for two brand new mini MGs. They look exactly like the one he has except one has a yellow shirt. I'll stick those in his Easter Basket. I think they will make smaller, more portable MG (I hope).

Jameson started asking questions this morning about the Easter Bunny after seeing a story on the news. I told him to make a list of the things he wanted the EB to bring. He told me candy, a new MG, a laptop and tent. Hmmmm, I don't know how the EB is going to fit a laptop and a tent into that tiny basket.

J went on a fieldtrip today to an indoor play area. I hope it goes well. This afternoon we have his 3 year IEP and Jameson's second trip to the dentist. He's all about the free toothbrush!

Object du Jour: MG.

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