
Did he have a clown in a head lock?

I picked J up at summer school last week and he had a wad of purple, green and orange fuzz in the armpit of his shirt. I asked the teacher if Jackson had a clown in a headlock at school that day. She stared at me and said that it was from an art project. I'm pretty sure she doesn't think I'm funny.

Jackson is fascinated by the fact that letters can be put together to make words. He makes me spell things all day long. He's even starting to spell things on his own. My suspicion is that J may not be a phonetic speller/reader. I think he may take the whole language/memorization approach. Only time will tell. But, I know he'll get there!

Follow up on Friday with the ENT. He feels J is doing really well and doesn't see a need at this time to repeat the bronch. I'm happy about that. The recovery from bronchs/endos is always really rough for J.

Dental appt. Finally got a good set of x-rays. The dentist is pretty sure J has some missing teeth and he also has a "false tooth" which will need to be pulled when it comes in. The decision as to how to handle all this will be made as the teeth start moving. My hope is that because his jaw is so small, the missing teeth may not matter so much. We'll see.

J has been making excellent progress in the eating arena. He loves Sunbutter and jelly on toast and in sandwiches and is doing a great job eating mixed textures. He's still pretty rigid on some things, but I'm happy with the progress he's making.

J's sound aversions have been really improving. We've gone to some local festivals and haven't needed the headphones. Monkey George has been J's buddy in handing the hard stuff.

Jameson is something else. He's hard-headed and wants to do everything himself. But he can be so sweet and funny, it all balances out (most of the time). He wants to use scissors and glue sticks, write letters and help in the kitchen. He loves sandboxes, swimming and making friends at the park. I have awesome kids!

My leg is slowly getting better. It's still really tight in the mornings and I have frequent "charley horses" and I'm pretty sure my scar scares old ladies at the pool. Back to the neurosurgeon for a repeat MRI in Sept. It the tumor comes back, we'll probably do radiation therapy.

Object du Jour: Monkey George and a bucket of Blue's Clues toys. J's been all about BC lately.

I'll post some new pictures as soon as I can.

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