
Woo Hoo!

GI this past week...J gained almost 4 lbs and is now at 93% of his ideal body weight!  I'm so thrilled!  Those Sunbutter sammiches are totally paying off!  Granted, we still need to expand those food horizons, but for now, I'll take it!

We spent the last few days at a hotel with a waterpark near my hometown.  The boys were in heaven!  Their cousin came over and all three went "swimming" in the jacuzzi in our room.  Jameson didn't understand why they had to wear swimsuits in the "big bathtub." 

Then we went to visit my parents and their new Border Collie puppy.  What a cutie she is!  Unfortunately, I think I'm allergic.  She licked my neck when I held her and ended up with a necklace of hives. 

Today we're off to Trainfest.  Jackson is so excited.  He asks to go whenever the commercial comes on, but first it's off to Whole Foods to spend my Groupon on as many jars of Sunbutter as I can!

Object du Jour:  Eric Carle's Brown Bear book.  He loves it!

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