
Uptown Funk

Jackson's new favorite (to ad nauseam for me) song.  He's pretty sure Bruno Mars wrote it for him because it contains the phrase "JACKSON, Mississippi."

We had Jackson's IEP this week.  I could not ask for a better team for him.  We are very lucky in that regard.  He's spending most of his day in the regular classroom, spelling like a fiend at grade level, reading at a first/second grade level and navigating the school with less supervision needed than ever.  His peers are treating more like a part of the class, helping him when needed and he got invited to his very first classmate birthday party ever!

At the trampoline park for the party!  I thought he would hate the noise, but he loved the jumping!

On the icky news front, school thinks Jackson may have had a seizure yesterday.  Rapid eye blinking, non-responsive, odd noises, lasting about 30 seconds.  Talked with the ped who is sending us to neurology for an EEG.  Still waiting for their office to call with the appointment time.  I haven't seen anything, here's to hoping it was just a fluke thing...

Object du Jour:  35778 Craftsman garage door opener.  Good thing I'm a quick study when it comes to garage door opener model numbers.

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