
Fresh outta cleesus and pickynuts!

Cleesus, cleesus, cleesus. I have absolutely no clue what a cleesus is. J uses this word all the time. Often where we're upstairs, he seems to be referring to the birth announcement hanging on his bedroom wall with his teeny, tiny newborn footprints on it. When we're downstairs, I have no clue. He was making me batty a few days ago with the cleesus talk. I finally told him, "I'm sorry, we're fresh outta cleesus." Now our new favorite phrase is, "Fresh outta cleesus!" That was the first thing he said to me this morning when I walked into his room to unhook him from the pump. Maybe someday I'll solve the mystery of the cleesus.

When I dropped him off at school yesterday, I told him that Jameson and I were going to the store to buy milk. I asked him what else I should buy. J said, "Coconuts!" I said, "You want coconuts from the Picky?" (Picky is what J2 calls Pick 'n Save, the grocery store) And J said, "Pickynuts!!" He giggled his fool head off. The stuff that this kid comes up with! So, Pickynuts is another hysterical word around here!

J's been super whiny and tantrumming quite a bit. He also tells me he doesn't want to got to school, but when he gets there, he's fine. I think he needs to get back into the swing of the routine after a long break. I guess he growled at the sub because he didn't want to sit on the carpet in JK. Hopefully, this is a short term thing!

Still working on potty training. He asks to go, sits there and does nothing. Jameson has got it down pat, he asks to go and does. We'll keep at it.

Object du Jour: Handy Manny's tools. Turner and Felipe help us "fix" a lot of things around the house!

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