
Toilet Watch '09 (cue ominous CNN theme music). Well, now the toilet is majorly screwed up. My dad came over yesterday to look at it and there's not much he can do. Sooo, now we have to call a plumber. I don't want to know how much this could cost.

I taught J how to say, "President Barack Obama", it's so darn cute. He loved watched the marching bands during the inauguration festivities yesterday. "Music, walking'"

J2 got pretty sick. Last night he slept most of the night and today seems much better. Yesterday, he woke up from his nap with a giant booger going from his nose, over his eye to his forehead. Aren't y'all glad I didn't run for the camera on that one?

Yesterday was J's first day back in school in two weeks. He was really excited to go, but when he came home, he was soooo crabby. I hope we can get him back into the routine quick.

Object du Jour: My dad showed J how to press shapes into the carpet with toys. He loves that. So now there are rectangle indentations all over the living room.

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