
Our Stay at the Inn

Randy got home at 12:30 am and at 3:30 am, the strider kicked in full-force. I scooped J up and off to the Chateau we went. Two Racemic Epis and a round of steroids later, they decided to admit us. They said there was no room at the Inn, so we had to wait quite awhile. After we got to J's room about 8 am, his ped walked in. Coincidentally, she was doing rounds at the hospital. She felt that if J was better by the afternoon, we could go home. Yay! So we hung out until 4:30 and we got the go ahead to come home. I'm still hearing "The Cough" off and on, but no more strider. I'm going to keep him home from school the rest of the week, just to be on the safe side.

We got to experience the new patient tower first hand. It's really, really nice. The patient and the parent have separate areas with two TVs. There's an outer room for the nurse/doctor to chart, so there are two doors you need to go through to get to the hall. Makes the room much quieter. Each bathroom has a tub, so if J would've stayed longer and needed a bath, I wouldn't have had to do it in the hallway like in the old tower. (OK, not literally in the hallway, it was a small room that sorta looked like a janitor closet with a tub in it).

As nice as it was, let's just hope we don't need to go back any time soon. Now I'm off to take a hot bath and get some zzzzzzzzz...huh...what...where am I? I'm so stinkin' tired. zzzzzzzzz

Object du Jour: I tossed the Magnadoodle and Etch a Sketch Freestyle (fancy word for an EaS with a joystick instead of knobs, so one can actually draw circles!) in my bag. J spent the afternoon guessing what I drew on them. He's a pretty good guesser! He wasn't happy that the shoe I drew wouldn't fit on his foot and help him get the heck outta there! lol

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