
Positive Exposure and Rescue 911

We got a letter in mail today that Jackson is one of the children chosen from the Genetics Clinic to participate in a photo session with Rick Guidotti. He takes pictures of people with different disorders to promote a positive self image and so they can be looked at as a child and not their diagnosis. Here's his site: www.positiveexposure.org I'm so stinkin' excited about this!

On a bummer note this week, J's feeding therapist has moved on to another job. I don't know how I'm going to explain to him that we won't be seeing her at "Elissa's house" anymore. Good luck and we'll miss you!

GI Clinic today. Weight and height up! Yay! Met with ST, Beh Psych, the Dietitian, nurse, OT, and GI dr. They are all pleased with his gains. We'll just continue on the same course and tube him at night as needed. I discussed the Prevacid issue with the dr. and she said that Prilosec could work for J after it's compounded in the pharmacy. So, I guess if we get rejected by the insurance company, that's what we'll do. She also didn't see a need to do the Ph Probe at this time. Whew! We got back in Dec for a follow-up. Eye clinic next week.

Jameson decided that he doesn't provide enough excitement in our lives and called 911 this morning. The phone rang and a woman said, "This is Cheryl from the city 911, is everything OK?" Thank goodness she was understanding and didn't need to send a squad or firetruck.

Today he's also taken off his pants in the backyard, slipped through the fence and colored all over the neighbor's picnic bench with sidewalk chalk and broken the child lock on the cabinet. I can feel my hair turning grey as I type this.

While we were playing the yard yesterday, he watched the roofers working two houses down. One would yell down, "I need another palette!", to which Jameson would stand at the fence and reply, "What!? What!?" Like they need his input on their roofing job.

Object du Jour: The Halloween place mat that I got on clearance last year at Kohl's. Can't beat 90% off. It ended up being a whopping .39. We had to take it with us to GI.

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