
And neither were the sweet potatoes and pump...

Last night, J seemed to be feeling much better! In fact, he ate three jars of sweet potatoes at dinner. He ate several crackers during the day, but I had to really push him to drink.

We put him to bed and hook him up to the pump to try to make up for the refused liquids. About 2 hours after we put him down, I hear the lovely sound of throwing up through the baby monitor. I go flying up the stairs to find J laying in bed absolutely covered from head to toe in formula and sweet potatoes. We stripped the bed, got him bathed and put back in bed.

This morning, he's taking small sips of liquid, but preferring crackers and Gerber stars. He is back to his playful, chatty self though. I'm going to try the pump again tonight, but at a much slower rate than usual. I think I'm going to check-in with GI Clinic just to see what they think.

We got the written report from J's WEAP eval in the mail yesterday. Nothing in it was inaccurate or shocking, but it's still hard to see all your kid's quirkiest behaviors all listed in one spot. The report is Jackson and not Jackson all at the same time.

Object du Jour: The Leap Frog letter toy. He doesn't want to talk about the letters; he keeps making me draw a duck on the tablet.

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