
The Cough - yet again

J woke me up at 5 am saying his mouth hurt. He's got "The Cough", but no strider or neck retraction. I'm keeping him home from school and I'll call the ped and see what she wants us to do. I really don't feel like a night at the Chateau. He seemed a bit better after sitting in a bath for a bit.

I really want to get whatever this is resolved ASAP, because Randy is gone all next week and naturally that would be the time for something to happen.

ETA: Appt with the ped at 1:00.
ETA2: The ped didn't hear anything concerning in J's lungs, but she did hear the cough. We have a prescription for orapred and J will get that for 3 days. The cough is still pretty icky, but he's acting fine. Keep your fingers crossed that we won't have to venture out this evening!

Object du Jour: Mommy's green iPod.

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