
Out of sorts, sort of...

Jackson has been so "not himself" the last week. I don't know if he's missing the routine of school, is having trouble with too many new people and places, is bored and/or may be getting sick. He's been self-stimming by making lots of repetitive noises and sounds. Echoing phrases said by others in a high-pitched voice is also something new. He's back into mouthing toys like crazy, which he wasn't doing as much of recently. J has also been more into himself and not as interactive as he usually is - even with me. Which is highly unusual for him, the interactions he has with me are usually pretty consistent. J's OT and ST agree that he's out of sorts, but he did have a pretty good day in feeding today.

We were supposed to meet with the rep for the autism waiver today, but she got the time wrong and didn't show up. I called her and we rescheduled for tomorrow. Now I have to re-clean the mess the boys made in the living room.

Still waiting on Randy to upload the latest pics. *toetap*

Object du Jour: J and I went to Joann's and Half Price Books after feeding therapy. I wanted to find some "Elmie" fleece (as Jameson calls Elmo), to make him a fringy blanket of his own. No Elmo fabric, but plenty of John Deere and zebra print fleece, what's up with that Joann?

So, we headed to HPB and I got a few books I've been looking for and I also got a book light, so I can read when I sit with the boys waiting for them to fall asleep. Jackson played with it most of the afternoon. He put the light behind every toy he could find to see what would happen. (Ironcially, J was totally his old self at both Joann's and HPB. Hmmm.)

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