
J2 had his one year check up today. He's 25%ile for weight, 75% for head and 97% for height. Zowie, I wonder if he'll stay that tall. I'm so not used to having a kid so high on the charts (actually on the chart at all). He took the shots like a pro, cried a bit and gave the nurse a "how dare you" stare. What a ham he is.

Jackson wanted to cuddle today. He laid his head on my chest to watch rectangle Ellen and I thought he just wanted to snuggle with me. Nope, he wanted to chew on the buttons on my sweater. I guess I have to take the cuddles where I can get them from my big boy.

Object du Jour: The rectangle lids from the baby food containers. J loves to look through them and pretend they are cameras. Cheesy!

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