
Astrounauts and feeding pumps

J brought home a book of "A" words he had colored at school. Apple, ax, astronaut, alphabet and alligator (An ax? Were they out of "A" words?) Jackson took the booklet out of his backpack and pointed to the astronaut and said, "Astronaut, Jackson's pump!" There's a line coming out of the astronaut's belly area and a square with buttons on his chest. J thinks that he uses the same feeding pump. I wonder if it's an Infinity? J carried the picture around and just stares at it saying, "Jackson's pump" over and over. I think it's great that he can find something relatable in a novel picture.

I worried for a bit about how Jameson would handle J's g-tube "stuff." J2 points at the pump and says, "Daxdon's!" He has also taken J's medication syringes and tried to find the button in his own belly to put them in.

J has become a parrot. He will repeat the same phrase over and over and over. His favorite is "Pincha fingers in the rectangle." No clue what that means, but I think he says it close to million times a day. "Letice" and "Cleesus" are also two favs with unknown meaning.

He's also started screaming at the top of his lungs and then laughing at himself. Oh joy! The poor cat practically climbs the walls when he does it. I told him not to scare the kitty, she might bite. When he screams now, he'll say, "No 'creamin', kitty pincha fingers." He gets it in his own little way!

ETA: Figured out tonight the screaming is to get the lights on the baby monitor to go full tilt. Here's a boy that wants it to go to 11 (obscure reference!)

Object du Jour: The "A" book.

Ooo, spellcheck loves me today!

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