
Happy Bark-day!

We went to a birthday party for a dog yesterday. It was a Hawaiian themed party and all the dogs wore leis. Because what dog doesn't love a rockin' luau? Unfortunately, I don't have a photogerafic pimiento (remember Bozo used to say that during the Grand Prize Game?) because our camera is MIA.

Jameson had blast! He loved the dogs, the food, the kids, the cake, the giant palm tree cooler filled with drinks and ice...Jackson, not so much. He was afraid of the dogs, hated the noise, and had a complete breakdown when the other kids had a water balloon fight. He spent most of the party in the house watching everyone out the window. J was OK with that and seemed much happier being an observer, rather than a participant. I always worry that he'll feel left out, but he seems to prefer it that way.

He had his last day of school on Friday and will have a week off and then it's on to summer school next Monday.

We start our visits at the PINT clinic this Monday. I'm hopeful that they will have some ideas for us.

Object du Jour: The pepper box. J had to have it at the party yesterday. Everyone kept asking me what it was for and some people thought he took it off the counter at the party. I just shrugged and said, "He likes it." Sometimes that's the easiest answer.

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