

I absolutely cannot believe that J has been in our lives for 5 years! And then on the other hand, I can't remember what life was like before him. He is the sweetest, most wonderful little boy I've ever known. It's sad that I've almost forgotten how small he was and what it was like to snuggle with his tiny little body and sniff his sweet head. Time goes by waaay too fast.

I woke him up this morning and gave him a big kiss and said, "Happy Birthday sweet boy!" and he said, "Happy Birthday Rectangle Ellen." Goofy kid. I'm teaching him to say, "I'm five!", but it hasn't quite sunk in yet.

Grandma and Grandpa are coming tonight and we'll have a party on Saturday. I'm going to make a cupcake Thomas Train mountain (wish me luck). Hopefully, he'll decide this is the year to try some cake. He took bottles of bubbles to give to his friends at school as a birthday treat.

Object du Jour: A license plate with his name on it and a small camera.

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