
The lone grey tooth.

Remember the shopping cart incident? The one where the cart fell back and J fell forward and cart and right front tooth met in the middle? Now J's poor little tooth is starting to turn grey. I called the dentist and he said that it could just be blood inside the tooth that will fade over time or the tooth is so damaged that the blood supply is totally cut off and the tooth will mostly likely die. The soonest we could get in is June 11. (Part of the reason for that is J needs a "quiet room" and all the other chairs are out in the open with other patients.) He said he will take x-rays to be sure which it is. J doesn't seem to be in pain, which is good thing.

Object du Jour: Ironically, a toothbrush. He came home from school one day with an orange toothbrush in a baggie with his name on it. I keep forgetting to ask what it was for. But, he slept with it last night and has been carrying it around all day today.

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